
Cuba, sí: Send us photos of the people and places of the West Indies isle

Restrictions on travel to Cuba have eased in 2015, but many enterprising travelers visited long before President Obama relaxed the rules.

The Los Angeles Times Travel section is planning a look at the island nation in an upcoming presentation in print and online, and we are hoping you’ll share some photos of the people and places that have been hidden from most Americans for more than half a century.

To share those photos (such as the ones in the photo gallery, above, submitted by readers), include your name, city of residence and telephone (the latter two for verification purposes only, not to be shared in print or online), and tell us a little about the photo. You may email, or upload and email.


To email a photo (the file must not be larger than 12MB), send to [email protected] and include Cuba Photo in the subject line.

To upload, visit our Flickr page. Do not include your contact info if you upload your images on Flickr.

By submitting photos, you agree that The Times may reproduce your photos in any format and use them in print, online, in social media or on other platforms.


Twitter: @latimestravel
