High-tech medical treatments for pets
Dr. Nicole Buote holds paw in hand with a patient at the VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)
Veterinary assistants Cory Wakamatsu, left, and Talon McKee prep Coach, a 1-year-old Bernese mountain dog, for surgery with Brynn Schmidt, lead anesthesia technician, right, at the VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)
Lead anesthesia technician Brynn Schmidt and veterinary assistant Cory Wakamatsu prep Coach.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)
Coach receives anesthesia before surgery.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)Advertisement
Coach is moved onto an operating table for surgery.
(Christina House / For The Times)
Dr. Nicole Buote, chief of surgery, performs laparoscopic ovariectomy, gastropexy and a stem cell harvest on Coach.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)
Dr. Nicole Buote removes falciform fat from Coach,.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)
Dr. Nicole Buote saves fat tissue removed from Coach for later harvesting of stem cells.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)Advertisement
Veterinary assistant Talon McKee wheels Coach out of the operating room after the dog had laparoscopic surgery and a stem cell harvest procedure.
(Christina House / For the Los Angeles Times)