
Watch fake rejected wedding proposal at minor-league game

You just can’t trust people who run minor-league baseball teams.

On the heels of the fake lovers quarrel that went viral and turned out to be staged, another fake minor-league baseball video fooled a lot of people Tuesday night, including several news sites that reported it as real.

The New Britain (Conn.) Rock Cats, a double-A affiliate of the Minnesota Twins, admitted Wednesday that it staged a rejected marriage proposal as a publicity stunt.

In the video, which you can see above, the woman being proposed to on the field replies, “I’m sorry, I can’t, I’m sorry” and then leaves.


The Rock Cats issued a statement Wednesday acknowledging the club staged the event with two employees standing in for the unhappy couple.

Mike Abramson, the team’s vice president of marketing, says the team hoped the video would go viral and is pleased with the outcome, but apologizes to anyone who might have been offended.


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