
London Olympics: Crackdown on unofficial condoms?

London Mayor Boris Johnson picks up a packet of Olympic-branded condoms during a visit to the Olympic Village on July 12.
(Scott Heavey / Getty Images)

LONDON -- For the Olympic Summer of Love, the IOC insists on an official form of protection.

Kidding aside, you know the Games are creeping to an end when these stories start to pop up in the second week. News gets a little slower, a little sillier. For instance, there was a TV crew doing a piece on the chair massage station in the Main Press Center.

But back to the controversy.

The Guardian newspaper detailed the story of unofficial condoms ending up in the Olympic Village. Fun-loving Australian Caroline Buchanan, a BMX cyclist who is a prolific and humorous tweeter, posted a picture of a bucket of condoms on her Twitter account.


Above the bucket of condoms was this sign, in part: KANGAROO CONDOMS. There was also a picture of that lovable boxing kangaroo.

Problem is that the condoms weren’t from the official Games manufacturer but from other rival companies. Still, at issue was how the condoms got to the Village and Games officials said they were going to look into the matter.

An executive from the rival condom manufacturer told the Guardian he suspected that it could all be a prank by the Australian team.


All in a g’day’s work, most likely.


London Olympics: What to watch for on Thursday

U.S. routs Australia in men’s basketball quarterfinals

Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor win third gold
