
Football: High school coaches love Ed Orgeron

If USC Athletic Director Pat Haden is doing research on his interim coach, Ed Orgeron, all he needs to do is contact any high school football coach in Southern California. Their typical answer is, “I love him.”

“He’s the greatest guy in the world,” said one assistant coach who didn’t want his named used for fear of upsetting rival UCLA. “When you talk to him, he makes you feel you’re the most important person. He’s super friendly.”

Local high school coaches have been impressed with the way Oregeron has been able to get his players to perform at a high level.


“Ed Orgeron is truly the best,” said Crespi assistant James Escarcega. “He hits the right notes and truly understands what we go through as high school coaches.”

Orgeron always has been known as a top recruiter, so it’s no surprise high school coaches enjoy his presence. And most are pulling for him to be named USC’s head coach.

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