
MAILBAG - Sept. 20, 2007

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Saving soldiers from dying in Iraq is pro-life

I do not understand why Assemblyman Jim Silva — and most Republicans — keep saying that calls for troop withdrawals and bills like 924 are “a disservice to our troops and their families” (“Troops need voices of support; veto 924,” Sept. 13).

I thought Republicans were the “pro-life” party? Wanting to bring the troops home from Iraq is a means to saving their lives, to let them live to serve another day! Not to die at the hands of individuals who see them as invaders, intruders.


Our country never declared war on Iraq, we are not at war with the mainstream Iraqi people. American troops did not find what they were sent to find (WMDs). So why are they still there? Because pulling out would “dishonor” those who’ve already died?

For me, it is dishonorable to let more American men and women be killed just because others before them have been killed. That’s a vicious circle that has no end.

As for the rhetoric that calling for troop withdrawal “emboldens the efforts of our enemies,” frankly, they’re going to hate us and try to kill us no matter what we say or do, so this is a non-issue.

American troops have the support of the American people! It is the civilian authorities directing those troops that do not have the people’s support. There is a difference.


Huntington Beach

Meet First Christian’s upgrade with support

HB First Christian is merely trying to be a good citizen by upgrading its facilities for its congregation and community. As a neighbor, I support their efforts despite one councilwoman’s attempt to veto the 5 to 0 vote of the Planning Commission. HB First Christian has served this community long before the city was incorporated and yet it has met nothing but hostility from just a few extremely powerful people.

I, a Saint Simon & Jude parishioner, urge you to support this clearly beneficial upgrade. It seems not everyone knows it is illegal for nonprofits to conduct profitable enterprises. Further, it seems to me they are the ones in need of some nonpublic school education.


Huntington Beach
