
As the Worm turns

We’re guessing more than a few readers are avoiding this space,

certain they know what’s to come here.

And we don’t like to disappoint. So ...

Exciting news last week: Newport soon may be home to three NBA

stars instead of just two.

Yes, Dennis Rodman, known these days for having as many police

citations as career rebounds, is cleaning up his act and says he

plans to return to playing professionally.

Rodman hit bottom last month in Las Vegas when he slammed a

motorcycle into a pole while trying to pop wheelies. He ended up with

a DUI for that adventure.

And that was the embarrassing headline that straightened the Worm

out, so to speak. He’s been in outpatient treatment for about a

month, his agent said.

Now, let’s all be clear. While we have a little fun, we’re 100%

behind anyone’s attempts to improve themselves and keep themselves

