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* EDITOR’S NOTE: We asked readers what they were thankful for on

Thanksgiving this year. Here’s what they had to say:

I am thankful for our caring and generous community in which we all live.

I give special thanks to Costa Mesa’s and Newport Beach’s families, local

businesses and corporations who support our local education foundations

and PTAs. We are constantly reminded of our community’s kind spirit as

students’ and parents’ requests for support -- from gift-wrap sales to

program ads to annual cash donations -- are met.

Until the California State Legislature can fully comprehend the reality

of school budgeting at the “poverty level” (California is 41st amongst

the states in annual per pupil expenditures), we will continue to rely on

parental, community and corporate support to educate our children. I give

thanks for the countless hours of time and resources our community has

provided, in the name of our children -- the future leaders of America.


Executive Director, Newport Harbor Educational Foundation

There are so many, so many things to be thankful for, in this life. When

I think about life and God Almighty, who is the giver of all good things

given to us so undeservingly, my heart rejoices and my soul turns from

mourning into joy and my sadness turns into dancing, just because of his

precious gift of life and the gift of having a beautiful family, and my

beautiful congregation of “La Vina.” They are dear people who dare to

believe and trust in me when everybody else didn’t.

It’s something for which to be very grateful to God and to life itself.

For the support my parents and my family gives to me, for the second

chances in life, and for his grace and mercy.

It is because of all of these things first of all that I am alive at this

very moment and that I have been able to achieve my goals in life. I have

been a pastor for 20 years here in the city of Costa Mesa. I was named

the first Hispanic Man of the Year in 1997 and I just took my state

examination to be a certified Notary Public here in this beautiful city

of Costa Mesa.

For Rene and Ivette, and my little granddaughter, Emily, my wife, Mary,

and Crystal, my little one, whom I love dearly.


Costa Mesa

I have two very special people in my life who made 1999 a great year. My

mother is healthy and happy and I have a wonderful relationship with her.

My mother has made me what I am today and I love her for being a great

person in my life. I love you with all my heart, mom.

I also have a wonderful boyfriend who has been supportive of me during

the hard times and always been there for me. I love you, honey. Looking

forward to the next year and what it brings!


Corona del Mar

I am just thankful to have the most beautiful, considerate and patient

wife in the whole wide world. And for our two incredibly wonderful

children. Happy Thanksgiving.


Newport Beach

After losing my older daughter, Misty, who passed away this September at

only 23, I am so thankful I still have my younger daughter, Natalee. A

student at OCC, Natalee is fun, creative, loving and gives so much

strength to me as we both grieve our loss. So, with one daughter in

heaven, Natalee is my angel on this earth.


Newport Beach

I am thankful for the wonderful gift God has given me, my wife Tracy.

I am thankful that the cancer in my mother’s body is being effectively

treated and that she has the strength to cope with this disease.

And I am thankful that I am in good health and can enjoy the things that

life has to offer, that I have a roof over my head and food always on my


But perhaps I am most thankful that I still have my father-in-law. He

arrived for a three-week stay from Erie, Pa., on Nov. 13 at John Wayne Airport. At the baggage claim, he went into full cardiac arrest and tried

to leave us. If not for the cardiologist on his flight, the woman from

the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, the paramedics and everyone who

saved him, he would not be with us to share in this day of thanks. He’s

been called the miracle patient at the hospital, who twice cheated death,

and is now recovering nicely at home with my wife and I.

These are the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday and I

thank God for watching over all of us.


Newport Beach

I am thankful for so many things. The most important is my family. My

husband works hard so that I can stay home and be with our kids. They are

such a joy to me. My daughter is a very special person with a great

attitude about helping out with whatever needs to be done. She is a joy

to be around because she always has fun ideas. My son is so funny. When I

think I am going to go crazy, he says something that makes our whole

family laugh. I am very thankful for my parents and in-laws who are also

helping us raise our kids. They are our kids’ best friends. They love to

share with them all the joys of life. And their grandparents are there to

support us and help them. It is so wonderful to have them all so close

and very supportive of our family.


Newport Beach
