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* AT ISSUE: We asked readers whether the city-owned land on Balboa

Boulevard between 15 and 19th streets should be made into entirely public

uses or if it should stay the way it is.

Marinapark should remain in public hands, available for park development

or other nondevelopment use.

We don’t need more private “highest and best use” disposition of public



Corona del Mar

I am not in favor of the Marinapark land being used for private use. It

belongs to the city. And we need as much open space and recreational area

for our citizen homeowners. And I feel that that is a beautiful spot and

it should be opened to as many people as possible.


Corona del Mar

Regarding your editorial about the redevelopment of the Marinapark piece

of land on the peninsula, and the issue of “highest and best use”

(“Marinapark should hold up its end of the deal,” Oct. 30). Well, I

usually do not take a stand against my own cause, however in this case, I

think I must agree with the city.

I have been a Girl Scout leader for five years and I have visited the

Scout House numerous times. Although the Scout House is charming, and has

a great deal of history behind it, I feel it is both physically and

situationally obsolete. Girl Scouts could use a site with some additional

land in which camp-out training and overnight events could be held.

Additionally, parking is extremely limited, which forces Moms loaded with

armfuls of supplies to cross the middle of Newport Boulevard while

monitoring large groups of small children.

The dilemma for Girl Scouts in making a move will primarily be funding.

The city should take this into consideration if asking the Scout House to

make a move. The city is contemplating redevelopment uses that could be

very high sales-tax and bed-tax generators; therefore the city should

fund the relocating of existing users, especially a nonprofit low-budget

user such as Girl Scouts.


Newport Beach

I am commenting on public or private use of Marinapark. If the Marinapark

people are evicted, public use would be a great thing. We don’t have any

really nice public beaches here for the public to come and use now that

the Fun Zone beach has gone away. When I was a kid that’s where we used

to swim, in front of the Fun Zone. That’s gone. Hotels they don’t need.


Newport Beach

I am calling regarding the Marinapark plans. I am speaking for myself and

my husband, George, who is a member of the American Legion. We would like

to see it remain the way it is. Open space for public. What is wrong with

some people who probably couldn’t afford to have a house on the beach to

have a mobile home park? And also to share with people who wouldn’t have

access to a luxury hotel. Let’s not Huntington Beach-ize Newport Beach

and turn it over to the whims of the developers. Let the little guy keep

the respect for the veterans of our country. Which is to keep the

American Legion where it is and the Girl Scouts and the less-expensive

marina. All of these things are used by a variety of citizens and should

stay the way they are. And certainly should not be turned over to

developers and spoilers of the earth. Please, keep it the way it is.


Please do not give Marinapark away. The city needs to hang on to every

inch of property it has. Open it to the public, develop it for the

public, but let’s not give it away and then have to buy new property for

a new park somewhere else. It belongs to the people of Newport Beach.


Newport Beach
