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Amy R. Spurgeon

We asked six students at Killybrooke Elementary what big issues are

facing them today or issues they feel are important.

Here’s what they had to say:

(1) Karina Rios, 9, Costa Mesa

“I think a lot about earthquakes that hit the area. During the last

earthquake my parents woke me and my sister up and we went outside. We

live on the top floor of an apartment complex. I have been scared that an

earthquake might happen again.”

(2) Courtney Wright, 10, Costa Mesa

“I think about the fact that a lot of people are talking about how the

computers are going to crash in the year 2000. I don’t think they will

crash because they have been trying to fix it. If they do crash the

lights will probably go out because everything is on computers.”

(3) Natasha Aretz, 9, Costa Mesa

“I think that people should stop putting nicotine in cigarettes so people

will not be addicted to smoking. Because if you get addicted you might

smoke a couple of cigarettes a day and you can die from them. My mom

started smoking but I told her what was in cigarettes and she said,

“Eewww.” She stopped smoking.”

(4) Lindsay Levanas, 9, Costa Mesa

“Pollution is a big issue. They should stop putting the stuff in the

ocean so the fish won’t die. They should also start recycling everywhere.

I really like animals so I worry about the environment. They should stop

cutting down rain forests to build big houses because there are pretty

exotic animals there.”

(5) Justin Sutton, 9, Costa Mesa

“They should stop putting bombs on planes. I heard about the recent

airplane crash and it scared me. I don’t want to fly on planes anymore. I

don’t think somebody put a bomb on that plane, though.”

(6) Alejandro Aronna, 9, Costa Mesa

“I think about all the stuff people are saying about the year 2000. On

commercials they say what you need to be safe. I think everything is

going to be OK.”
