
Laguna youths heading to regional track meet

Ten Laguna Beach youths placed in the top four in their respective events at the Orange County Track and Field Championships on May 3 and advanced to the Southern California meet in June.

Two Laguna residents placed first: Maija Shaw in the girls 12-and-under long jump (13 feet, 10 1/2 inches) and Jackson Blakeley in the boys 9-and under softball throw (56 feet, 7 inches). The county meet was held at Laguna Hills High School.

Boys and girls ages 5 to 14 competed in the long jump, softball throw and various distance races.


Five children finished second in their respective events: Ariel Taub in the girls 11-and-under 800 meters (2 minutes, 56 seconds); Arete Croteau in the girls 9-and-under 400 (1:20); Jackson Blakeley in the boys 9-and-under long jump (7 feet, 5 inches); Shannon Ryan in the girls 14-and-under softball throw (142 feet, 3 inches); and Benjamin Blakeley in the boys 7-and-under softball throw (49 feet).

Laguna had three third-place finishers: Zachary Falkowski in the boys 14-and-under 1,600 meters (5 minutes, 34 seconds); Eli Taub in the boys 9-and-under 400 (1:21); and Shannon Ryan in the girls 14-and-under long jump (11 feet, 7 inches).

Two children placed fourth: Edge Conley in the boys 8-and-under softball throw (39 feet, 5 inches) and Milla Wallace in the girls 7-and-under long jump (6 feet, 4 inches).


The Southern California championships will be held June 7 at Warren High in Downey.

—Bryce Alderton

Twitter: @AldertonBryce
