
Science and medical leaders

Science and medical leaders

Judah Folkman, 74; groundbreaking cancer researcher (Jan. 14)

Peter Staudhammer, 73; TRW engineer helped design the engine that landed astronauts on the moon

Werner K. Dahm, 90; aerodynamics expert worked on the early Redstone launcher and the space shuttle (Jan. 17)

Joshua Lederberg, 82; Nobel Prize winner was a pioneer in genetics (Feb. 2)

Frank Dixon, 87; immunologist co-founded Scripps Research Institute and directed the La Jolla facility for more than 20 years (Feb. 8)

Robert Jastrow, 82; astrophysicist founded Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Feb. 8)

Ray Wu, 79; Cornell University geneticist shaped hybrid rice strains (Feb. 10)

Margaret Anne Inman, 90; speech pathologist founded the nonprofit Providence Speech and Hearing Center in Orange County (Feb. 15)


Marie J. Cowan, 69; dean of the UCLA School of Nursing was credited with restoring its reputation as one of the top 10 in the nation (Feb. 22)

Malcolm C. McKenna, 77; led the American Museum of Natural History’s paleontology division for four decades and played a key role in reopening the fossil-rich Gobi Desert to Western scientists (March 3)

David Gale, 86; U.C. Berkeley mathematician made fundamental contributions to game theory and economics and was a fervent popularizer of math (March 7)


Edward D. Goldberg, 86; marine chemist at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institute studied the effects of ocean pollution (March 7)

Frank M. Berger, 94; psychiatrist jump-started the modern age of mood-swing drugs with the discovery of the tranquilizer Miltown (March 16)

Frank J. Ayd Jr.., 87; psychiatrist pioneered the field of psychopharmacology when he began treating schizophrenics with Thorazine in the early 1950s (March 17)


Jeremy R. Knowles, 72; Harvard chemist played a key role in explaining how chemical reactions are carried out within the cell and later became dean of the university’s faculty of arts and sciences (April 3)

Giuseppe Attardi, 84; Caltech professor of molecular biology whose work linked degenerative diseases and aging to genetic mutations (April 5)

John P. Stein, 45; professor at the USC Keck School of Medicine and an internationally known specialist in urological cancers and bladder reconstruction (April 11)

John A. Wheeler, 96; leading 20th century physicist popularized notions about black holes, wormholes and quantum foam (April 13)

Ahmed M. Abdel-Ghaffar, 60; USC professor of engineering and a leading expert on bridge building (April 17)

George P. Cressman, 88; meteorologist made forecasting a science (April 17)

Roy Snelling, 73; USC entomologist built a career finding and cataloging ants (April 21)

Albert Hofmann, 102; Swiss chemist discovered LSD (April 29)

Morgan Sparks, 91; former member of Bell Telephone Labs scientific team helped develop a better transistor (May 3)

Harvey Karman, 84; psychologist created procedure for safer abortions (May 6)

Murray E. Jarvik, 84; UCLA pharmacologist showed that nicotine was addictive and invented the nicotine patch (May 8)


Charles Meyer Goldstein, 87; USC professor organized free dental clinics that treat thousands of needy people each year (May 11)

Willis E. Lamb Jr., 94; physicist and Nobel Prize winner helped produce the modern field of quantum electrodynamics (May 15)

Ernst Stuhlinger, 94; one of the last surviving German rocket scientists who came to America after World War II and formed the engineering foundation of the nation’s space program (May 25)

Lorenzo Odone, 30; his parents’ battle to save him from a nerve disease was depicted in the movie “Lorenzo’s Oil” (May 30)

Gunther S. Stent, 84; UC Berkeley molecular biologist and a member of the key postwar group of scientists who solved the basic mysteries of the gene and how DNA functions (June 12)

Howard L. Bachrach, 88; virologist purified the polio and foot-and-mouth disease viruses and was the first to use genetic engineering to produce a vaccine (June 26)


Michael E. DeBakey, 99; medical pioneer was the driving force in developing the field of cardiac surgery (July 11)

Robert M. Taylor, 88; psychologist co-wrote Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis Test (July 16)

Eugene Foster, 81; pathologist orchestrated the DNA testing that linked the descendants of Thomas Jefferson with those of the slave Sally Hemings (July 21)

Victor A. McKusick, 86; Johns Hopkins University physician widely regarded as the father of medical genetics (July 22)

H. Tracy Hall, 88; physical chemist invented the first reproducible process for making diamonds in the laboratory (July 25)

Jordan M. Phillips, 85; L.A.-area doctor championed use of laparoscopy and taught widely in developing countries (July 29)

Ralph D. Feigin, 70; pediatrician led the buildup of the Baylor College of Medicine and co-wrote a definitive work on children’s infectious diseases (Aug. 14)


Robert F. Maronde, 88; USC professor helped create artificial kidney (Aug. 16)

Hugh R. Butt, 98; physician unlocked secrets of bleeding (Aug. 16)

Philip Geoffrey Saffman, 77; Caltech professor was an expert on vortex dynamics (Aug. 16)

Thomas H. Weller, 93; Nobel Prize winner in medicine helped fight polio (Aug. 23)

Robert Katzman, 82; UC San Diego neuroscientist pushed Alzheimer’s disease into the public consciousness and co-founded the activist Alzheimer’s Assn. (Sept. 16)

Ernest Beutler, 80; Scripps physician and researcher was expert on blood and pioneered bone marrow transplants (Oct. 5)

George Palade, 95; UC San Diego Nobel laureate was dubbed a father of cell biology (Oct. 7)

Janet B. Hardy, 92; Johns Hopkins University pediatrics professor led a pioneering study of mothers and children that provided a wealth of information on teen pregnancy, medical concerns and social issues (Oct. 23)

Florence S. Wald, 91; former dean of the Yale University School of Nursing brought hospice to the United States (Nov. 8)

George W. Housner, 97; retired Caltech professor pioneered the field of earthquake engineering (Nov. 10)

Adrian Kantrowitz, 90; cardiac surgeon performed the nation’s first human heart transplant and developed lifesaving medical implants (Nov. 14)

Jay Katz, 86; psychoanalyst and Yale Law School professor was a leading authority on medical ethics (Nov. 17)


John H. Menkes, 79; pediatric neurologist identified Menkes disease, maple syrup urine disease and other congenital disorders of the neural system (Nov. 22)

Arthur R. Kantrowitz, 95; physicist and engineer whose research helped lead to nose cones in rockets and heart-assist pumps (Nov. 29)

Henry Gustav Molaison, 82; patient known as Henry M., whose brain surgery and subsequent amnesia gave insights into memory (Dec. 2)

D. Carleton Gajdusek, 85; pediatrician, virologist and anthropologist won the 1976 Nobel Prize in medicine but was also an unrepentant pedophile (Dec. 12)

J. Lamar Worzel, 89; Columbia University physicist used the emerging science of acoustics to explore the ocean floor (Dec. 26)
