Mariah Kreutter
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Mariah Kreutter was a 2020 summer intern with the Opinion and Editorial pages. She is a graduate of Yale University, where she studied English.
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La infancia del Gen Z fue definida por el 11-S, la guerra de Irak, Guantánamo, el huracán Katrina y la crisis financiera de 2008. Y ahora Trump. Están hartos.
Gen Z’s childhood was defined by 9/11, the Iraq War, Guantanamo, Hurricane Katrina and the 2008 financial crisis. And now Trump. They’re fed up.
Dianne Feinstein stood up to a group of preteen climate activists with more verve and vitriol than she brought to the Amy Coney Barrett hearings.
Kimberly Guilfoyle has been accused of sexual harassment while at Fox News. That just makes her a more qualified Trump mouthpiece.
Audio from Trump’s interviews with Bob Woodward about COVID-19 reveal what he knew, and what he lied about.
Gender reveal parties are regressive, antiquated and reinforce harmful gender stereotypes. And that’s just the ones that go right. Others start destructive fires.
- Voices
Let the NRA die
Under Wayne LaPierre’s leadership, the NRA has become a remarkably efficient machine for funneling money into Wayne LaPierre’s pockets.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection calls its actions against No More Deaths law enforcement. The humanitarian group calls it a violation of international Red Cross standards.
It’s not even a logical argument to point out that cops kill white people. It only illustrates how broad and deep America’s problems with police brutality are.
Our cultural institutions face a moment of trial, including one great infringement on civil liberty: I, specifically, have only 724 Twitter followers.