
Letters to the Editor: Now anti-critical race theory parents discover passion for their kids’ education?

People protest against critical race theory outside a Washoe County School District board meeting in Reno.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: Of course critical race theory is being taught in public schools. It’s a teaching strategy called culturally responsive teaching, and it was developed to teach diverse student populations more effectively. It has been around for years. (“Democrats decry GOP’s focus on critical race theory as a racist dog whistle. What’s their next move?” Nov. 8)

Even though it has been misconstrued as an attempt to inject racism into the curriculum, I applaud the parents who are becoming more involved in the education of their children — but what took them so long?

Educators consistently reach out to parents to engage in back-to-school activities, student conferences and classroom observations. School districts recruit parents to work on committees that develop curriculum and school policies. There are multiple opportunities for parents to influence the education of their children beyond haranguing school board members at public meetings.


If the Biden administration is successful in getting paid family leave, I hope more parents will be able to engage in their child’s education in a more productive way.

June Thompson, Los Angeles


To the editor: The Times does its readers a disservice by dismissing the debate over critical race theory and identity politics as a racist Republican ploy.

Moderates, independents and even a substantial number of Democrats are troubled by an academic movement that paints white people as being collectively responsible for slavery. Until Democrats come to terms with this rhetoric, the GOP will continue to make gains.


Gregory Urbach, Reseda


To the editor: Maybe — just maybe — if the Democrats (I am one), progressives, academics, school boards and educators had referred to this issue from the beginning as “FOR” (facts on race), “FRH” (factual race history) or some other neutral term instead of the overly negative-sounding “critical race theory,” maybe the political right and its minions wouldn’t be exploiting the negative public perceptions on the subject.

It might be too late to change the public mood right now, but if the education community starts to promote the factual nature of how the issue should be and could be taught in classrooms or raised for discussion at school board meetings, maybe there can be a needed turnaround in public thinking about this.

Shel Erlich, Santa Monica


To the editor: What the GOP is saying to its white base is do not teach the young about the sins of “your” forefathers. It’s akin to a felon wanting to hide his arrest records.


Rod Lawrence, Los Angeles
