
Letters to the Editor: Fine, call it the ‘Trump vaccine’ — anything to get stragglers inoculated

A smiling man raises a glass of beer
George Ripley, 72, of Washington holds up his free beer after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: From now until July 4, let us rename COVID-19 shots the “Trump vaccine.” (“Beer, guns and money: COVID shot incentives are gimmicky, but that’s OK,” editorial, June 4)

Let Trump supporters announce the numbers every day. Let them brag about getting not the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but the Trump vaccine. Make receiving the shot an act of resistance to the Biden administration and its admirable, responsible, orderly and nonpolitical vaccination campaign.

That will protect the nation and allow us to resume activities more quickly and safely.

President Biden will never get the votes of these people, but he will get credit for magnanimity and creativity for calling it the Trump vaccine. Ultimately, healthy Americans who can view the pandemic in the rearview mirror will give the current administration the credit it so rightly deserves.


Michael Berenbaum, Los Angeles


To the editor: The powers that be are now offering cash prizes and other incentives for people to get vaccinated. I understand the reasons and the urgency for doing so, but this shows the ugly truth that saving lives and having regard for others aren’t enough for many people to do the right thing.

It always seems to boil down to “what’s in it for me?” What a terrible and feeble example of greediness.

We must look in the mirror and see exactly who we are as a nation; right now, the reflection is disappointing. Human nature isn’t so pretty sometimes, is it? Life shouldn’t be about stuff, it should be about caring for others.


Frances Terrell Lippman, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: Please publish more pictures like the one showing the smiling gentleman with his beer glass after getting his shot. That sort of picture will do more to convince others instead of the ones showing jabs in the arm.

William Sharpe, Santa Monica


To the editor: No shoes? No shots? No service.

Kim Righetti, Upland
