
Letters to the Editor: Meghan and Harry prove it: The British royals, like all monarchies, are parasites

The queen, Meghan and Harry
Queen Elizabeth II stands with Prince Harry and Meghan on the balcony of Buckingham Palace on July 10, 2018.
(Chris Jackson / Getty Images)

To the editor: All monarchies are parasites on our planet. They consume enormous amounts of the Earth’s resources while delivering nothing of value in return. This Thomas Paine had deduced by 1776 (“Instead of Meghan Markle invigorating the royal family, it drove her to thoughts of suicide,” editorial, March 8).

Great Britain’s Hanover-Windsor monarchy in particular has benefitted from its family business. From the Shetland Islands in the north to the New Zealand islands in the south, British kings and queens have had the benefit of being thought of as “special.”

My personal feelings on this date to the morning of Feb. 2, 1952. Then-Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were in Kenya, where the colonial governor ordered all Nairobi schools to assemble their students in full uniform under the hot equatorial sun for hours as the couple drove by.


Many years later Peggy Lee sang the song that so perfectly matched my 11-year-old thinking that day: “Is that all there is?”

John Connolly, Long Beach


To the editor: Admittedly, I did not watch Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey.

But was it really so newsworthy that it merited multiple articles in the newspaper? Considering how slender The Times’ print edition has become these days, that’s really too much space.


Harry and Meghan are living in luxury. They need to remain relevant in order to make a living, ergo their interview.

Enough is enough. Please remember that The Times is supposed to be a newspaper.

Betty Rome, Culver City


To the editor: I don’t usually pay much attention to the British royal family.

However, I feel that we in Los Angeles need to offer our support to the graduate of Immaculate Heart High School in Los Feliz, Meghan Markle, now a princess of England who has chosen to bring her family back home to California.

Markle is a woman of whom we in Los Angeles can be proud. She embodies our local diversity in so many wonderful ways. We should do all we can to make her and her family accepted here as our hometown princess.


Doug Weiskopf, Burbank
