
Letters to the Editor: Don’t be naive about dogs that attack. They’re dangerous and often need to be put down

To the editor: Op-ed article writer Nicholas Weinstock is not a wimp or an idiot for declining to have the two large dogs that attacked his dog put down. He’s just morally irresponsible, as are those dogs’ owners. Magical thinking does not work on dogs.

Weinstock admits that before the attack he had seen the pit bulls pounding on their windows and at other times “held fast by their burly male owner as they snarled and lunged.” This should have prompted a call to animal control to ensure these animals hadn’t attacked before.

Aggressive dogs of any breed that are not exercised regularly will find a way to escape. They can be dangerous while being walked even if the owner thinks they are “secured.” Dogs are unpredictable and amazingly strong. Next time, they could mistake a small child for a small dog.


The pit bulls’ owners made a good decision to rescue, but they need to face the truth and make the hard decision: Unfortunately, sometimes canine euthanasia is the only answer.

Georgette Ganter, Redondo Beach


To the editor: As a dog owner, I sympathize with the author’s and his poor pup’s terrifying experience. However, why was it necessary to identify the attacking dogs as pit bulls?

According to the National Canine Research Council, in only 18% of dog bite cases is it possible to make a valid determination of breed.


What’s the point of mentioning pit bulls if you don’t want to instill more fear and create more negative opinions of this misunderstood breed?

Haiyang Zhang, Culver City


To the editor: Thank you for Weinstock’s beautifully written story. It has affected me deeply.

It’s very difficult for me to get past my desire for revenge on those I see as leading our country down a terrible path. The only way I’ve been able to comprehend the working-class adoration of President Trump is to understand that they love him because he attacks their enemies and exacts revenge on their behalf.

Weinstock’s simple, quiet dignity in not demanding the dogs be euthanized delivers a profound message: Our challenges can be our greatest blessings if we don’t give in to fear and loathing.


John Bauman, Los Angeles
