
Letters to the Editor: Trump is ‘pro-vigilante’ now. After November, he might be just ‘dictator’

Trump in Kenosha
President Trump on Sept. 1 tours an area of Kenosha, Wis., damaged during protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: Americans, don’t bother yourselves with any knowledge that might be available to you from the history of 1930s and ’40s Germany under its absolute dictatorship. Go ahead and cast your vote this November for our “pro-vigilante leader,” as columnist Harry Litman calls President Trump.

Then sit back, and be very careful of that which you will have wrought upon yourselves and the rest of our beloved country, as it will no longer be a “thinly veiled” dictatorship.

Michael D. Leventhal, Rancho Mirage


To the editor: As someone who served in the U.S. Navy from 1954 to 1962, I am puzzled that the Trump supporters driving around in their macho trucks defending their hero don’t realize that the president was a draft dodger who avoided service during the Vietnam War.


Some hero. This makes me cringe every time I see when a decorated Marine must salute him and he salutes back.

Chris Ingalls, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Each political party has invested in fear. Democrats are spending millions to further scare people about COVID-19, and Republicans are spending millions to scare people about riots and social unrest.

Skilled message makers gin up fear on both sides. Undecided voters are hearing they will be too sick to leave bed when rioters come to burn down the house. The police won’t be able to help if they vote one way, and it is sure to keep happening if they vote the other.


Exaggeration leads each side to dismiss the other side’s fears. Mask efficacy becomes something for people to fight about (it really isn’t) and unrest is seen as possible anywhere (not really). Having one’s fears dismissed is hugely divisive, particularly when there are true dangers at the base of those fears.

Violence and division are the only returns that come from investing in fear. In dismal times, stirring America’s hopes and aspirations is better than stoking our fears and insecurities.

Right about now, we could all use some multimillion-dollar ad campaigns designed to make us feel more secure. Neither party is appealing to our best instincts right now, but both can take consolation in seeing such handsome dividends on their investments so far.


Paul Franckowiak, Phoenix
