
Letters to the Editor: Voting matters. Just ask Saugus students and other mass shooting victims

Saugus High School student hugs his parents
A student at Saugus High School is reunited with his mother and father after the mass shooting at the Santa Clarita campus Nov. 14.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: I am a resident of Santa Clarita, where the Saugus High School mass shooting took place on Thursday.

By the time this letter is read, many will have probably already moved on from the tragic events that occurred in my hometown. But not me — and not the people I grew up with, the students and staff at Saugus High School, and the parents who will never hug their children tightly again because they are dead.

School is a place that is supposed to be safe. To those who believe their vote won’t make a difference, vote. To those who believe they don’t have a voice, speak. Our nation’s children need you.


Molly Robbins, Santa Clarita


To the editor: It’s normal to ask ourselves why tragedies like mass shootings occur. And, as with any trauma, our initial human reaction is shock, denial and confusion, followed by sadness then finally acceptance and empathy. It is how we have evolved to cope with loss.

But lately, it seems that any time a tragedy unfolds, the media, celebrities and politicians immediately converge on the public, disseminating their theories, placing blame and pointing fingers, always seemingly anchored in their belief in their own overwhelming importance.

This does not allow the public to grieve. Even worse is that the self-described experts are often injecting a false narrative onto the public conscience. Most often they blame guns. They misrepresent the truth about cause and effect.


The truth? A nearly 50-year-old study conducted by the surgeon general showed certain children to be overwhelmingly affected by media violence. It made them more prone to act violently and more frightened of society.

Sad thing? That was almost 50 years ago.

Jeffrey Ferrin, Palmdale


To the editor: It is absolutely infuriating how we use the words and actions of our wise founding fathers to justify and drive home our arguments.

One day we hear that the Constitution they wrote is such a perfect document that it needs no modification. Then the next we hear of their prescient wisdom in allowing for the amendment of said document.


What would these wise men think of how we’ve manipulated their centuries-old writings to allow for the buildup of civilian-owned arsenals, be they for “hunting,” self-defense or for ill? What would they say if we told them that we’ve just experienced the 366th mass shooting of the year?

It’s disgraceful. Congress, wipe the blood off your hands and do your job.

John Knox, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Can someone please tell me to which “well regulated militia” the Saugus High School shooter belonged? And why were the killing of two classmates and the wounding of three others “necessary to the security of a free state”?

Those who vehemently insist on defending the final 14 words of the 2nd Amendment should pay a little more attention to the first 13 words.

Brian Lipson, Beverly Hills


To the editor: I listened to a TV news anchor break the news of the Saugus High School shooting by saying that the “scene has become all too familiar.”

This should not and never be the case. This is not something that should ever be familiar.

When are we going to answer the cries of these frightened students? No student should ever be hiding from gunfire at school, but our government won’t do anything to end these senseless tragedies.


How many children have to die?

Han Tran, San Jose
