
Opinion: Without Tillerson, Trump would be in total control of U.S. foreign policy. That would be a disaster

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speaks at the State Department in Washington on Aug. 29 about Hurricane Harvey's impact.
(Jim Lo Scalzo / EPA)

To the editor: America’s foreign policy is in better shape with Rex Tillerson, as secretary of State, disagreeing with President Trump on some major issues than if no one were around to check the president. (“Why hasn’t Rex Tillerson resigned?” Opinion, Aug. 31)

One of the major reasons airplanes have co-pilots is to ensure the safety of the passengers if the pilot starts acting irrationally or incompetently. Trump and America are better off with Tillerson as the foreign policy co-pilot since the whole world knows that Trump is the pilot.

Tillerson should emulate Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions and hang in there unless and until he is fired by Trump.


Marc Jacobson, Los Angeles


To the editor: McManus answers his own question. Tillerson does not resign because he is not an “honorable man,” despite what McManus says.

What could possibly be honorable about his role in Exxon Mobil’s decades-long cover-up of its internal acceptance of the fact that climate change is real?

Of course I am grateful that he, Defense Secretary James Mattis and others in Trump’s Cabinet may have some sense of restraint. But does that make them “honorable”? No.


Robin Doyno, Los Angeles

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