
Readers React: Beware of anyone, like Mike Pence, who says he’s on a mission from God

Vice President Mike Pence during a Cabinet meeting at the White House on Aug. 27.
Vice President Mike Pence during a Cabinet meeting at the White House on Aug. 27.
(Alex Brandon / AP)

To the editor: Beware any evangelical who views a dubious course of conduct as part of “God’s plan.” Through history devout souls have employed that meme to countenance various evils. (“Why Mike Pence is such a sycophant,” Opinion, Aug. 24)

For example, God’s plan for racial segregation was evident in his placement of different races on separate continents. Evangelicals didn’t discard race-based bigotry with the 1960s civil rights laws. Until 18 years ago, Bob Jones University, one of evangelical Christianity’s most important colleges, forbid its students to engage in interracial dating or marriage.

Even now, evangelicals abide the biblical notion that LGBTQ people are sinners. Why? Because God assigns immutable sexual orientation and identity at birth.


Any supposed divine plan that Vice President Mike Pence or any other politician cites to govern our secular democracy should be deemed diabolical nonsense.

Kendra Strozyk, Cameron Park, Calif.


To the editor: Thank you to op-ed article writers Michael D’Antonio and Peter Eisner for defining Vice Pence’s political ambitions as they relate to his brand of evangelical Christianity, comparing him to the prophet Daniel and President Trump to Nebuchadnezzar.

While Pence preaches that he abides by the will of God as a devout Christian, where is that devotion toward all children of God and not just the president?


Wendy C. Souza, Seal Beach


To the editor: Isn’t it possible that Pence’s sycophancy has led him across ethical and legal lines, like so many other Trump associates?

Isn’t it even probable that when Pence told the American people that retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, assured him of no sanctions-related discussions with the Russian ambassador to the U.S., that he was lying?

If this turns out to be the case, might this be grounds for impeaching Pence, either as vice president or as president?


Larry Zempel, Los Angeles

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