
Readers React: Science is science — unless Trump is involved

To the editor: Not only does the Trump administration diss sound scientific advice by its own Environmental Protection Agency scientists regarding fuel economy rules for cars, it doesn’t even bother to offer a plausible explanation.

Saying that more fuel-efficient vehicles will lead people to drive more and thus have more accidents is as dumb as claiming that carpooling and mass transportation are bad because more people would be killed in accidents.

The administration’s environmental policies are not just appalling, but an incredible waste of time that is desperately needed to bolster fuel-efficient cars and lower greenhouse gas emissions.


It’s more obvious each day that big polluters didn’t install these anti-science Republicans into office because they were hard-working geniuses, but really.

Wendy Blais, North Hills


To the editor: From the EPA website:

“The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.

“EPA works to ensure that:

  • Americans have clean air, land and water;
  • National efforts to reduce environmental risks are based on the best available scientific information;
  • Federal laws protecting human health and the environment are administered and enforced fairly, effectively and as Congress intended...”

The Trump administration is in willful violation of those rules set into law and signed by former President Nixon. The president is blatantly betraying his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws of the United States by pretending the “best available scientific information” doesn’t exist. For that alone, he deserves to be impeached.


Bravo, California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra, for suing to ensure that the laws of the United States are upheld.

John Gallogly, Los Angeles

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