
Readers React: Common cause with the Russians on Syria

To the editor: With its barbaric cruelty and expansionist dreams, Islamic State is the worst force in the world, just as the Nazis were in the 1930s and ‘40s. The Russians were bad then and still are today. But it was right to ally with them to fight the worse foe then, as it would be right to do so now. (“Russia may be escalating military role in Syria,” Sept. 4)

But we should not make the same mistake of treating Russia as a friend or a force for good in the world. With mutual goals, that country’s forces are useful in this situation, just as it viewed the United States as temporarily useful during World War II.

In spite of all the concessions the U.S. made at Yalta, after the war Russia considered us the new enemy and had no desire to allow democracy to flourish in Eastern Europe or elsewhere.


We should ally with the Russians against Islamic State, but not delude ourselves into thinking they are anything other than a temporary ally.

David Goodwin, Los Angeles

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