
Readers React: Call ‘undocumented’ immigrants what they are: illegal immigrants

To the editor: On Wednesday, the national news about Jim Steinle’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his daughter’s killing in San Francisco by a five-times-deported illegal immigrant felon was below the fold on page 4 of the California section; meanwhile, we endure innumerable front-page laments about the tearful complaints of so-called undocumented immigrants. (“Kathryn Steinle’s father tells Congress: Overhaul immigration laws,” July 21)

I would like to offer a brief reality check. Entering the U.S. illegally is a crime. People who do it are criminals. Characterizing them as simply “undocumented” is an attempt to spin their crime into nothing more serious than losing an ID card.

It is more serious. People who ignore our immigration laws are of a criminal mind-set to do so, and such people are therefore more likely to ignore other laws, as did Kate Steinle’s accused killer. That is why she, and others like her, are dead.


Let us stop sugar-coating a serious problem. Any person whose respect for laws, and sense of right and wrong, are so feeble that he or she would gate-crash the United States is a potential threat to public safety.

Ron Masson, Topanga

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