
Readers React: A clash of currency

Ben S. Bernanke, former Fed chairman, is "appalled" by Hamilton’s $10 bill demotion.

Ben S. Bernanke, former Fed chairman, is “appalled” by Hamilton’s $10 bill demotion.

(Karen BLEIER / AFP/Getty Images )

To the editor: I really must agree with former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and his opinion that the excellent Alexander Hamilton should remain on the $10 bill. (“New face for $10 bill stirs backlash,” June 27)

Hamilton’s philosophy and actions as our first secretary of the Treasury still impact the United States and the world today.

Why not replace the only occasionally admirable Andrew Jackson on the $20 with an American woman of accomplishment? Much of Jackson’s history is as outdated as the Confederate flag. Go for the $20.


Jacqueline Kerr, Los Feliz


To the editor: It was fascinating to read Jim Puzzanghera’s piece about the backlash over the redesign of the $10 bill. It seems to me (I’m an alumnus of Alexander Hamilton High School in Los Angeles) that rather than drop the traditional portrait of Hamilton in favor of a woman (yet to be selected), perhaps an entirely new and appropriate denomination could be produced.

I would suggest the creation of a new bill, the $3 bill. And since we are dropping old traditions, might I also suggest that the new bill feature a portrait of the very much alive Hillary Rodham Clinton, our next U.S. president.

Just as President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for his anticipated many great accomplishments, Clinton should be similarly honored for the work she will do to finally transform the country.


Al Kholos, Winnetka


To the editor: Replace Hamilton with a woman on the $10 in time for 2020.

Simultaneously, irrevocably commit with a certain date to replacing Jackson with Hamilton on the $20.

The country gets a woman; Hamilton gets an upgrade.

Alan Bell, Los Angeles


To the editor: If we are to put some women on our paper currency, then it should be on a $100 bill.

Leave Hamilton alone. He’s too great an American and was the one who saved the Treasury.

My choice for that woman would be Betsy Ross. To me, she’s the first lady of our nation and part of the family.

My second pick would be Amelia Earhart, a pioneer in women’s roles in aviation.

Joseph B.D. Saraceno, Gardena


To the editor: There’s only one woman who belongs on the $10 bill: Eleanor Roosevelt. She is far ahead of anyone else who might be considered. She fought tirelessly for women’s rights and for civil rights and truly cared about people in need.


Robert Bubnovich, Irvine
