
Readers React: What Jesus said about homosexuality and birth control -- nothing

To the editor: San Francisco Roman Catholic Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone’s new contract with archdiocese workers has, according to the Times article, moral strictures against homosexuality, same-sex marriage, artificial reproduction, contraception and masturbation. (“S.F. archdiocese teachers overwhelmingly reject moral strictures,” March 4)

I cannot recall any section of the Gospels where Jesus talks about these or any section requiring his disciples and followers to sign a moral contract. But in the Gospels Jesus says that children are to be accepted and protected. Jesus is very clear that children are not to be abused.

Cordileone does not mention rejecting pedophilia in the contract. In light of the uncovered horrors in the church over the last several decades, this is an omission. I do remember from my Catholic education that sins of omission can be very grave.


This omission clearly shows that there are still those in the church who have not learned the tragic lessons of allowing pedophiles into the priesthood and the apparent continuation of church leaders’ turning a blind eye to this.

Matthew Hetz, Los Angeles


To the editor: Thankfully, the edicts Cordileone has made are old, right from the creator of the universe himself, who — surprise, surprise — knows a little more about everything than we do!

Archbishop Cordileone, we are behind you 100%.

Kelly Bullock, Newport Beach

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