
Readers React: Wins by Trump and Sanders portend another American revolution

To the editor: The New Hampshire election results demonstrate a sad and scary truth: Our citizens are ready to revolt. (“As a long race beckons, Tuesday winners Trump and Sanders face challenges,” Feb. 10)

There’s no question that government serves special interests, not the people. Citizens are tired of it, so they are voting for candidates who pledge to tear down the government, and they are doing so even if the promises being made are pie in the sky. The establishment is in complete denial.

The foundational principles of our government have been undermined by money in politics, by bought politicians, by gerrymandering, by unfair tax policies, by the 24/7 news cycle, by the selfishness of the rich, by judges who advance their own agendas instead of neutrally applying the law, and by the reality that our political parties have become dysfunctional and irrelevant.


As a result, our people are struggling to compete in a world with dictatorships that at least can get things done.

Sadly, I fear that American democracy may be experiencing its last gasps. Our system is bought and paid for.

Irving Greines, Los Angeles


To the editor: Having lived in this country as an immigrant from Great Britain for more than 30 years, I have always been fascinated by the absurdity of American politics, but the current campaign “takes the biscuit.”


On one side the debates look more like schoolyard taunting than people aspiring to the single most important position on the planet. On the other you have a person who believes this country is ready for socialism and a candidate who unquestionably has the most relevant experience for the job but has a trust issue.

If I stand back and evaluate the field, I find it difficult to believe that this is the best this country can come up with. Good luck in November; you deserve better.

John Hobbs, Laguna Niguel


To the editor: It sends a terrible message to the people of this country that if you belittle people, use profanity and buy your way into an election, then you are a winner. Being candid with bravado is fine, but spewing insults and being disrespectful is not the way to become president.


Men who see this behavior as macho and women who see power as sexy need to rethink their actions. Our world is overflowing with haters and bullies.

Kerie Berkowitz, Moorpark


To the editor: A message to the young supporters of Sanders from an old but still enthusiastic Democrat:

Having zealously campaigned for George McGovern through the debacle of his 1972 beat-down by Richard Nixon, I understand the call of a quixotic candidate. So, by all means, continue to voice your support for Sanders. But please, if Hillary does get the nomination, don’t make good on your threats to sit out the general election.

Just envision a President Trump, Cruz or Rubio.

Larry Lasseter, Brea

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