
Letters: As L.A.’s rail system grows

Re “Rail alone won’t reinvent L.A.,” Opinion, Jan. 27

Indeed, Los Angeles County is moving from adolescence into adulthood with its efforts to create a coherent mass transit system that includes light rail. As Ethan Elkind argues, the city and county need to astutely plan on maximizing the light-rail investment as a more coherent system evolves over time.

This means higher density around transit stations, along with more convincing arguments for such development in those communities that see this progress as a threat. It also means coming up with development strategies that can support successful, high-density projects in underserved neighborhoods.

At the same time, the challenge is to build out the rail projects and related transit-oriented developments in such a way as to promote inclusion and equity in the economic benefits accrued.


Philip S. Hart

Los Feliz

The writer served on the Expo Line Urban Design Committee from 2006 to 2011.


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