
Letters to the Editor: U.S. president or high school class president? The GOP’s juvenile campaign

Former President Trump greets Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) on primary night in New Hampshire on Jan. 23.
Former President Trump greets Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) on primary night in New Hampshire on Jan. 23.
(Bloomberg via Getty Images)

To the editor: My biggest takeaway from former President Trump’s campaign (indeed, from the entire contest for the Republican nomination) is my recollection of campaigns for high school class president. (“It’s over, and other takeaways from Trump’s defeat of Haley in New Hampshire,” Jan. 23)

There is no real interest in identifying any serious problems or offering competing solutions to them. Instead, the candidates focus on things like “wokeness.”

This contest is all about who can make the most obnoxious and divisive claims, widening the gap between serious students and the “mean kids”; who can most effectively open the floodgates of unfounded outrage; who can demonstrate the greatest disregard for what were once loudly proclaimed American values; and who can tell outrageous lies the loudest.


Because this is who and what Donald Trump is. The Republican nomination is his to lose.

Jack Quirk, Porter Ranch


To the editor: Trump’s attempt to reassure wary voters that he won’t “have time for retribution” echoes his 2016 declaration that he wouldn’t have time for golf if he were president.

Not only did he have tons of time to wander his own golf courses, his companies also billed the American taxpayers for these outings.

The man lies. About everything. He cheats. He threatens. He defames. He destroys.

We cannot allow him anywhere near the White House ever again.

Marcy Miroff Rothenberg, Porter Ranch


To the editor: The media are repeating their 2016 performance by giving Trump an endless amount of free coverage.


His New Hampshire win is trumpeted with his photograph on The Times’ Jan. 24 front page, while there is barely any mention of President Biden’s win in that state’s Democratic primary, even though he was only a write-in candidate, which is surely more unusual and newsworthy.

For those who vote by name recognition rather than an understanding of the issues, the media will freely deliver what campaigns spend millions to achieve.

Darrel Miller, Santa Monica
