
Letters to the Editor: A Latino shift toward Trump would be disastrous — for Latinos

Vicenta Lira Cardenas, a janitor at Denison High School in Iowa, participated in the state's Republican caucuses.
(Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: It would understandably be puzzling to many if Latinos shift from voting Democratic to voting for former President Trump, given his outspoken racism and his empty claims to be an advocate of the middle class. (“Iowa provides hints to how Latinos are voting in 2024,” Jan. 19)

But history gives other examples of political behavior that seems strange in retrospect.

Many Italian Jews, mostly middle class, were fervent supporters of Benito Mussolini as he rose in the 1920s and ’30s. They saw him as the strong alternative to communism. But, when he enacted racist laws against the Jews in 1938, they saw their error.

By then, it was too late.

Richard W. Merel, Hermosa Beach


To the editor: It seems inconceivable that any Latino would vote for a white supremacist who called immigrants from Mexico “rapists” and said he will start a mass deportation program if reelected.


Wake up, amigos, unless you want La Migra knocking on your door in the middle of the night and destroying your life forever.

Rico Gardiner, San Diego


To the editor: I was dumbfounded by the ill-informed and contradictory statements highlighted by some of the people in this article.

For example, Ismael Cardenas says this: “What Trumps says is what Trump does. If he promises something, he is going to do it.”


Huh? Didn’t Trump promise a border wall paid for by Mexico?

Lorena López says, “Latinos have a long memory,” and they are upset by former President Obama’s unrealized goals on immigration.

What about their shorter-term memory? Did they forget how Trump characterized Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals?

These people are voting against their own interests by supporting the MAGA Republican agenda.


Mitch Langelle, Valley Village
