
Letters to the Editor: Seniors know fascism when we see it, and we see it in Huntington Beach

A group of people hold signs that say 'Vote No' outside a building.
Former Huntington Beach Mayor Shirley Dettloff, center, joins a protest against proposed city charter changes outside Huntington Beach City Hall on Jan. 16.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Senior citizens who have experience and know history are sometimes in the best position to see what has to be done to prevent the fascist takeover of rational government. (“Yes, you can fight city hall. Huntington Beach retirees are waging a revolution,” column, Jan. 20)

Some young residents are so busy earning a livelihood and caring for children, that they don’t even subscribe to a daily newspaper and are not aware of what’s going on. They may not be aware, for example, that the right-wing majority on their City Council proposed unnecessary charter changes that will end up costing taxpayers.

So, it’s incumbent for seniors to take over this responsibility. As a Huntington Beach resident since 1962, I accept this challenge.


Richard C. Armendariz, Huntington Beach


To the editor: In reading your article on Huntington Beach protesters having had enough of their City Council, and as a reader in Ventura County, I took note of one person in particular — City Councilman Tony Strickland.

Perhaps the voters of Huntington Beach should ask themselves how a former member of the state Assembly and Senate from the area around Simi Valley ended up on their City Council in the first place.

Outside politics, Strickland’s never had a real job in his adult life. He never passed a single piece of coherent legislation while in state government.


He was an advisor on the campaign of his ex-wife, and she on his. Both paid each other with campaign contributions.

In 1998, he falsely claimed that the mayor of Camarillo endorsed him for the Assembly. His divisive politics caused him to be run out of Ventura County.

Joseph Carroll, Camarillo
