
Letters to the Editor: Do Americans just accept schoolkids being shot to death?

Police respond to a shooting at Perry Middle School and High School in Perry, Iowa, on Jan. 4.
Police respond to a shooting at Perry Middle School and High School in Perry, Iowa, on Jan. 4.
(Andrew Harnik / Associated Press)

To the editor: In 2015, a British journalist said this: “In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the U.S. gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.” (“17-year-old kills 6th-grader, injures 5 other people in Iowa school shooting,” Jan. 4)

Obviously, not all of us think the regular shooting deaths of schoolchildren is OK, but many of the people we elect seem to think it is, and that’s all that matters.

We need to use our votes this November to change this debate, or we have no chance. Please vote to end the insanity.


Jack Nelson, Los Angeles


To the editor: Now Iowa has joined the growing list of states where children have been shot and killed while attending school.

I can already tell you how the next few days will play out: There will be thoughts and prayers, grieving parents, calls for action and, in the end, inaction.


Tom Iannucci, Los Angeles


To the editor: I do wish reporters would stop calling murderers “shooters.”

How many would-be copycat killers out there are excited by the prospect of the publicity and the glamour of being a cowboy “shooter”? Would they be as excited about being a “murderer” or “mass murderer”?


Why are the media being “nice” to these bloodthirsty criminals? Please stop this.

Alan Booth, Westwood
