
Letters to the Editor: Supreme Court justices are acting like religious clerics

U.S. Supreme Court justices pose for their official photo on Oct. 7, 2022.
U.S. Supreme Court justices pose for their official photo in October.
(Olivier Douliery / AFP via Getty Images)

To the editor: I grew up believing the U.S. Supreme Court was the elite institution underlying American greatness. It led to my becoming an attorney. As such, I am saddened that the once credible court has devolved into the American College of Cardinals. (“Supreme Court rules Christian web designer can turn away business related to same-sex weddings,” June 30)

In their decision last year overturning Roe vs. Wade, the cardinals effectively placed Christian beliefs over other religious beliefs that do not hold life begins at conception. For example, Jewish belief is that life begins upon first breath taken after delivery; Islam holds life begins at 120 days after conception.

Now, with its decision allowing a website designer to turn away same-sex couples who are getting married, the cardinals have decreed LGBTQ+ folks are second-class citizens, putting the United States in league with Uganda.


The cardinals have lost all respect by anyone not in the Federalist Society. Their recent decisions fly in the face of precedent. Ethical lapses have personally benefited some of the justices. This court is in line to be the most disgraced government entity.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. is believed to care deeply about his legacy. That legacy is being severely diluted and will dissipate soon.

Bruce N. Miller, Playa del Rey


To the editor: The Supreme Court’s decision to legalize business discrimination against gay couples sickens me with rage and grief. How is this law any different than one allowing discrimination based on the color of a person’s skin?


Once and for all, why can’t some religious people acknowledge that being gay is not a choice? However, following any particular religion is.

Were I a business owner, I would tell anyone walking through my door wearing a Christian cross that their kind is not welcome. I could easily claim some religious belief to justify this, and apparently the Supreme Court would back me up.

Evelyn Quinn, Pasadena


To the editor: I’m waiting for the Roberts court in its next session to rule that Brown vs. Board of Education was wrong, making it legal to practice “separate but equal.”


I also await its ruling that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is unconstitutional because it violates the implied “right to free association” in the 1st Amendment and the “takings clause” of the 5th Amendment.

Since the court has accepted someone’s claim that her Christian faith requires her to turn away customers seeking wedding-related services for same-sex unions — something not in any Bible I’ve seen — will those who claim their religious beliefs don’t allow them to serve Black people be allowed to discriminate?

I’m certain that through the lens of history, Roberts will join Chief Justice Roger B. Taney in disgrace.

Daniel Fink, Beverly Hills
