
San Diego mayor’s video apology fails to impress

After Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) turned to YouTube to announce her retirement from Congress, I wrote a post about politicians using new technology to evade public scrutiny. Though these tools have made it easier for politicians to more effectively control their messages, I argued it will always remain important for elected officials to face the public and the media.

Former Democratic congressman and now San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, who recently came under fire for alleged sexual harassment, is the newest case in point.

In issuing a video statement late Thursday, he has joined the ranks of politicians opting for video apologies rather than news conferences. Filner’s statement was released as a DVD to the media (yes, really) and also as a YouTube video. Though he did not resign (something many of his former allies continue to call for), he very frankly apologized and pledged to seek professional help.


Yet, however forthright his apology might be, it may not be enough to convince constituents. A sample of L.A. Times readers bears this out: At last check, an informal poll on the site showed that 71% think he should resign.

Recorded statements reinforce the most negative stereotypes about politicians: They are scripted. They are rehearsed. They are distant.

For a man discussing a subject that is inherently very personal, Filner, despite the honesty of his words, comes across as very impersonal. It’s a far cry from the very personal news conferences of former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner and of former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. Even the prepared resignation announcement that former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer read live seemed more personal.


Though the substance of his message might not be different were it recorded, there is something extremely humbling about standing in front of microphones with the background noise of clicking cameras and, oftentimes, a spouse standing close by. This is especially true when it’s a politician forced to face the scrutiny of a camera rather than the reverence of a podium, as they are accustomed to.

This resonates with voters. A personal apology or resignation can go a long way, especially for a politician looking for a comeback down the road (see Weiner, Spitzer and Sanford). Many voters are willing to forgive the crime, but it’s easier to do when there’s a belief that the person has apologized sincerely. And that’s hard to capture through a recorded statement.

In a sense, the way in which one apologizes often does carry more meaning than what is said. As Maya Angelou said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


Filner might be able to keep his position, but first, he has to take the hit and face the public.


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