
Readers React: Hot over climate change and Marco Rubio

It is a coincidence that the day after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), an apparent GOP presidential hopeful, stated his belief that man was not causing climate change, scientists announced that global warming was causing irreparable harm to massive Antarctic glaciers, which will eventually cause a major sea-level rise. (“Irreversible collapse of Antarctic glaciers has begun, studies say,” May 12)

Evidently, Rubio is courting corporate donors and therefore must deny that man contributes to climate change. These corporate leaders need politicians like Rubio to stop the implementation of policies that would reduce carbon emissions and therefore hurt their bottom lines.

Yes, the increasing use of solar and other alternative fuels could reduce certain corporations’ profits, but corporate interest should not trump the planet.


Norwood Price


Those climate scientists are at it again. They’re trying to scare us all into believing that climate change is really happening and that humans are causing it.

It’s a good thing that Rubio is onto their schemes. I’m looking forward to him exposing the mastermind of this hoax that has been perpetrated by those thousands of scientists in dozens of countries these past several decades, and to having him identify the (undoubtedly sinister) motive behind the hoax.

If he can accomplish this, it definitely qualifies him to be the next U.S. president.

Al Barrett

Santa Monica

Rubio’s comments on global warming have caused yet more finger-pointing. Instead, we all ought to look in the mirror and realize that we, as members of the human race, are responsible.


This isn’t partisan. There are simply too many of us on this planet, and it’s doubtful any culture anywhere will voluntarily stop procreating. We are literally soiling our own nest, and in the end we will have to make the unpleasant choice between a “brave new world” or accepting the results of our choices in life and trying to adapt to the damage we’ve done to our planet.

If the human ego wants to feel superior to nature, then global warming is truly our creation. If we want a sustainable world, we will be forced to surrender unimaginable comforts and conveniences, but we may actually survive.

Stop looking for scapegoats, gaze into the mirror and ask yourself: How many billions of us does the Earth need?


Steve Lancaster

Santa Monica
