Newsletter: Today: Turkey’s Bloodshed. The Rose Bowl, Granddaddy of Them All.
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I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.
Turkey’s Bloodshed
Just after a bloody 2016 in Turkey had come to an end, the new year began with more killing. An hour and a half after midnight, a gunman entered a crowded Istanbul nightclub across from a police station. In seven minutes, the attacker fatally shot dozens and wounded 70 more, then fled. “What the hell is the government doing? What is being done to stop these attacks?” one university instructor asked.
Where Were the Deputies When a Boy Was Being Abused?
The death of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez has become a grim symbol of the failure of Los Angeles County’s child welfare system. Less known is the role of the sheriff’s deputies who investigated Gabriel’s situation. They visited his home multiple times during the eight months prosecutors say he was being tortured and beaten, according to a Times review of documents. Yet they found no signs of abuse. None of the nine deputies involved has been criminally charged, though some were disciplined internally.
Trump Knows More Than the Intelligence Agencies?
Donald Trump has long expressed skepticism that Russia is behind the meddling in the U.S. election. On New Year’s Eve he repeated that and went a step further: “I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.” So when will we know the things he knows that we don’t know? “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”
Univision Takes a Turn [Gasps in Spanish]
Univision, the largest Spanish-language media company in the U.S., has long looked to soapy telenovelas from Mexico to give it a ratings boost. But the old face-slapping formula is growing a bit long in the tooth for viewers who grew up in the States and for a generation that gets its entertainment in shorter videos online. That’s not the only drama behind the scenes as Univision prepares for an initial public offering.
Hello, Monday! Make Way for the Granddaddy of Them All
In a world of change, at least we have the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl to keep us grounded. The parade’s “Never on Sunday” tradition means that the events were moved to today instead of the usual Jan. 1. If you’re going, here’s all the info you need. If you’re just watching, look out for the Union Rescue Mission’s first-ever float to raise awareness of homelessness. And if you see the game, Keith Jackson will be back at the Rose Bowl for the first time since he retired from announcing a decade ago — this time, as a fan.
We Want to Hear From You
Let’s start the new year on a positive note. Send us an email to let us know what you love about living on the West Coast, and we’ll share it with other readers of this newsletter. (Please keep your story to 100 words.)
-- Violent crime in L.A. jumped for the third straight year as police dealt with gangs and homeless issues.
-- L.A. City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell has made a proposal that would essentially ban lone adults from hanging out in spaces meant for kids.
-- First person: My father came here illegally. But in many ways he was a red-blooded American.
-- Tyrus Wong, an artist who brought a poetic quality to “Bambi” that has helped it endure as a classic of animation, has died at age 106.
-- Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher will have a joint funeral and be buried together.
-- A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has resigned because of the group’s decision to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration.
-- Who is to blame for Mariah Carey’s not-so-rockin’ New Year’s Eve? It depends on whom you ask.
-- Taiwan’s leader said China is becoming a growing threat to the self-ruled island.
-- It took nearly a century for this New York subway to be built.
-- The big New Year’s Eve party on the Vegas Strip left 14 tons of trash to clean up.
-- Seven science stories we can’t wait to follow in 2017.
-- Watch out: Hackers will grow increasingly bold in 2017.
-- This was a great year for cars. Here are our auto writer’s favorite vehicles of the year.
-- The Rams’ season came to a disappointing end, but some devoted fans would never think of throwing in the towel.
-- It appears the two best teams made the College Football Playoff title game.
-- David Horsey delivers a fake news history of 2016. See the cartoon here.
-- What do the voters who elected Trump want him to deliver?
-- “I can recall the very moment when I first saw that jaguar head coming out of the ground”: An ancient city is revealed in Honduras. (The New Yorker)
-- Imagine someone rents out your house and won’t leave. (Mother Jones)
-- What are the most important books of the last 20 years? (Literary Hub)
Hollywood loves its sequels. No wonder that, 41 years after the famous sign on Mt. Lee was altered to read “HOLLYWeeD” on New Year’s Day, it happened again. This year’s incident is being investigated as misdemeanor trespassing, and the motive is unclear. Back in 1976, it was for a Cal State Northridge student’s art project. He earned an A.
Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj.
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