
Iran’s presence in the Gaza Strip

Re “Defeat Hamas to defeat Iran,” Opinion, Jan. 4

In maintaining that Israel is really fighting Iran in Gaza, not Hamas or the Palestinians, Yossi Klein Halevi and Michael B. Oren conveniently ignore the historical relations between Hamas and Iran.

Hamas arose during the first Palestinian intifada with its own philosophy and beliefs. Iran’s initial offers of aid were spurned by Hamas’ leadership as pure opportunism.

Today, Iran provides little more than lip service to Hamas’ cause for its own propaganda efforts.


Even now, the Israeli government seems to be exaggerating Iran’s role in order to create an enemy proportionate to Israel’s hammering of the people of Gaza. It is despicable to cruelly smash a small, inadequately armed group of virtual prisoners.

William O. Beeman


The writer is a professor and chair of the department of anthropology at the University of Minnesota.


It is most unfortunate that the protesters just don’t understand the justified reasons for Israel’s retaliation against Hamas. We all know that Hamas struck more than the first blow. We all know that Hamas fails to give any legitimacy to the right of Israel to exist as an independent state.


We all know that Hamas uses the funds it receives to battle Israel instead of building a decent infrastructure. We all know that Hamas teaches its citizenry that hatred of Jews is good. We all know that the moderate Arab countries have used the Palestinians as their proxies to battle Israel.

We all know that the moderate, rich Arab countries have done nothing to help their fellow Palestinian brethren live a decent life.

But you see, by keeping the focus on the deplorable conditions and blaming Israel, the real truth is obscured.


David Rice

Palos Verdes


The consequences of Israel’s current actions in Gaza extend far beyond the 1.5 million residents of that enclave.

This latest brutality is merely an exercise in hatred or opportunism. It will further the careers of some Israeli politicians but also will naturally harden views among Muslims around the world. There is an answer to this conundrum, and it equates with simple human values.

Those with military and economic power should demonstrate that they do not disrespect the lives and well-being of other people, even when the road is rocky and long.

John Strain

Redondo Beach


This article represents one more in a long list of Israeli deceptions, but probably not the ultimate one. Israel let in 200 trucks of food, implying it has some humanitarian concern for the people it ethnically cleansed from its own territory.

But Israel has denied sufficient supplies for years, deliberately causing mass malnutrition and hunger. The Gaza Strip is a small and impoverished territory; there’s no way it could present a threat to Israel even if Iran gained a foothold.

Lyn McKuen

Los Angeles


Halevi and Oren’s characterization of the latest developments in the Middle East is insightful, but not in the way they intend.


Equating the current crisis in Gaza as emblematic of Iranian “expansionism” conveniently glosses over Israel’s role in creating what can be charitably described as the world’s largest open-air prison.

The conditions in Gaza are absolutely insufferable and, not surprisingly, sustain a breeding ground for extremism.

Joe Batarse



Israel has every right to defend its citizens from terrorists, though unfortunately you can’t destroy a group like Hamas, as it has little trouble getting fighters to replace those killed.

What is needed now is strong American leadership in the region.

Let’s all hope that the Obama administration does a more effective job at diplomacy.

Steven M. Clayton

Ocean, N.J.
