
Letters: What the recall vote in Colorado means

Re “A lesson for advocates of gun control,” News Analysis, Sept. 12

The article on Colorado voters’ recall of two senators who voted to tighten the state’s gun laws cites this political truism: “Success goes to the side with the most passion and commitment, not necessarily the greatest number of mildly engaged sympathizers.”

Here’s another truism of gun politics: When some maniac goes berserk with a firearm, gun control advocates use the tragedy as an opportunity to implement more restrictions, whether or not those new restrictions would have prevented the tragedy from happening.

Maybe if those two Colorado politicians had taken more effective, preventive action (like making it illegal to keep unsecured firearms in a home where someone is mentally unstable) rather than feel-good legislation, they would still be in office.


Miguel Rosales


The National Rifle Assn. has proved once again that its campaign of fear-mongering has a stranglehold over gun politics.

Regardless of polls showing overwhelming support for sensible gun safety, the NRA will paint any control measure as a gun-grabbing effort by the government and a violation of Americans’ 2nd Amendment liberties.

Polls do not vote, but apparently money does.

Sol Taylor

Sherman Oaks


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