
Letters: Open meetings law matters

Re “The Brown Act means what it says,” Editorial, June 10

I applaud your fine editorial on the L.A. County Board of Supervisors’ attempt, via AB 246, to do an end-run around our state’s open meetings law, the Brown Act.

The people aren’t easily fooled. In meeting privately to discuss the state’s prison realignment law with Gov. Jerry Brown in 2011, L.A. supervisors broke the law, plain and simple. Requesting that Assemblyman Steven Bradford (D-Gardena) write a bill granting them a “special” exception to the Brown Act shows a lack of respect for the people’s right to know.


The Times is correct in saying that granting this exception raises the question, “Why do we have an opening meetings law at all?”

The supervisors would do well to read the preamble to the Brown Act and humble themselves.

Mark C. Salvaggio


