
Letters: Scouts’ honor

Re “Boy Scouts may lift ban on gays,” Jan. 29

I was an Eagle Scout who for decades proudly carried my Scout card signed by President Eisenhower, which I eventually returned to protest the Boy Scouts of America’s exclusion of gays.

The small step the organization may take to open its doors to another minority group is heartening. Following its own pledge to “do a good turn daily,” the Boy Scouts’ small turn from its discriminatory policy will hopefully be the first step in a full turnaround.


One of the 12 principles of Scouting is to be friendly. Maybe Scouting will finally fulfill that mandate and show true friendship to those it has treated as enemies. The Boy Scouts might even provide an impetus to its supporting religious organizations to abandon their unjust and outworn creeds.

Douglas J. Miller

Santa Barbara


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