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Erich Kaestner, 107; soldier believed to have been Germany’s last veteran of World War I (Jan. 1)

Milton Wolff, 92; the last commander of American volunteers who fought with anti-Fascist forces during the Spanish Civil War (Jan. 14)

Marie Smith Jones, 89; last full-blooded Eyak and fluent speaker of her native Alaskan language (Jan. 21)

Lazare Ponticelli, 110; France’s last surviving veteran of World War I (March 12)

Bill Hargrove, 106; was oldest league bowler in the United States (May 5)

Lavonne Edwin Cox, 94; first employee of UC Irvine, oversaw building of campus (Aug. 26)

Fon B. Huffman, 95; believed to be last survivor of the 1937 Japanese attack on the U.S. gunboat Panay in Chinese waters (Sept. 4)
