
Quiz: What do you remember from a wild year in politics?

In 2013, Washington seemed to lurch from one crisis to the next, with lawmakers setting an example for Americans on the best ways not to get along. Blame was launched in all directions.

Efforts to pass gun control fizzled in Congress, and immigration reform has been stalled until next year, at the earliest. A failure to compromise over the continued funding of the federal government resulted in a 16-day shutdown in October, and that same lack of bipartisanship led to this year’s Congress becoming the least productive in history.

Meanwhile, the White House was hammered as Republicans tied events including the terrorist attack in Benghazi and the IRS screening of conservative political groups to President Obama.


Eventually, it was Obama’s own signature achievement, the Affordable Care Act, that took the political spotlight with the botched rollout of and numerous instances of Americans losing their coverage due to the law.

Outside the nation’s capital, state races built up to their election day climaxes, the gay marriage movement made significant strides, and politicians continued to sow the seeds of their own professional destruction.

But how many of this year’s events do you remember? Take our quiz below to find out.
