Cleaning up after the inauguration
President Obama delivers his inauguration speech to an audience that extends to the Lincoln Memorial, two miles in the distance, and to clusters around the capital. (Win McNamee / Getty Images)
Crowd estimates of attendees to the inauguration celebration on the National Mall put the number at more than one million people.
Large amounts of trash are left behind on the National Mall at the conclusion of the swearing-in ceremony for President Obama. (Jay Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)
Audience members, some wearing souvenirs, leave the National Mall after the Inauguration Day ceremonies. (Jay Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)
Spectators sit in trash and debris along the National Mall after the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president. (Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images)
Piles of U.S. flags are left on the National Mall at the conclusion of the swearing-in ceremony for President Obama. (Jay Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)
Trash and those trying to wait out the massive departing crowds are seen along the National Mall at the conclusion of the inauguration ceremonies. (Jay Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)
Steven Jacob, 8, of Westminster, Md., plays with an Obama flag among the trash left around the Capitol after the inauguration ceremonies for President Obama. (Jacquelyn Martin / Associated Press)
A piece of paper displaying a portrait of President