
Video: Resident shares video of aftermath of Michael Brown shooting

A resident provides new video of the scene after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo.

A Ferguson resident who knew Michael Brown has shared new video revealing the immediate aftermath of the controversial killing, which has sparked days of unrest and made images of police in riot gear synonymous with the city.

The video, taken by Kevin Seltzer, shows a crowd begin to assemble outside of the Canfield Green Apartments where Brown was gunned down by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. In the video, panicked screams quickly overtake the sound of police sirens, while onlookers try to piece together what they had just seen.

The Los Angeles Times has removed portions of audio from the video clip that include bad language.


“He shot [him] like eight times before he fell,” one man says.

Seltzer said he decided to share the video with news organizations in the hope of shedding an objective light on Brown’s death, the circumstances of which have been muddied as police and protesters continue to debate the details of the shooting.

On Saturday morning, violence erupted again, hours after Ferguson police revealed that Brown was a suspect in a robbery that took place shortly before he was gunned down.

“I’m sharing this video just so that the Ferguson Police Department and the community and everybody around the world can see that the Canfield apartments, the Canfield people, the Canfield community … we are here, we will be here, we are not what they are portraying us in the media,” Seltzer said.


Though many have focused on the clashes between police and protesters in Ferguson, Seltzer said the residents of his apartment complex were more heartbroken than angry.

“We mourn every day before the cameras come,” he said.

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Times staff writer James Queally in Los Angeles contributed to this report.
