
Interactive: Live chat: Discuss the redesigned

The launch of the new is more than a redesign. The whole site has been reimagined.

What’s new? Most everything.

- A content menu is anchored on the left side of the screen, so you can navigate to a new section from within an article.

- Endless scrolling means no more clicking from one page to the next to read a full article.


- Visual browse, at the top of the navigation menu, allows readers to find articles of interest through photos.

- And more than 300 neighborhood pages categorize stories by areas of Los Angeles and Orange counties. These pages will include breaking news, prep sports, restaurant reviews and entries from the Homicide Report.

The new site employs “responsive design,” which means the page scales itself larger or smaller depending on how you’re viewing it -- on desktop, tablet or phone. So no matter what device you’re using to access, you’ll have the same reader experience.


“Mobile users were the primary impetus for driving this change,” Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein told the staff.

By the end of the year, Hartenstein said, more people will view on mobile devices than any other way.

In an editor’s note posted to the site, Times Editor Davan Maharaj said that although has been redesigned, “What hasn’t changed is our mission to bring you the news, features and watchdog journalism that you’ve come to expect.”


“You will continue to find our comprehensive coverage of California, national and international news, as well as our signature take on sports and entertainment,” Maharaj said.

Deputy Managing Editor Megan Garvey, who has overseen the revamp, will be chatting live at 11 a.m. about the new site. Readers can join in with their comments or questions, or you can leave them in the comments on this article, which now appear in a field to the right.

To explore the new, take a video tour of the site.

You can send feedback to the staff by clicking the “feedback” link that appears to the right on each page.

Or you can email the tech staff, Readers’ Rep or Letters to the Editor though online forms.
