
Scaled-back campaign finance disclosure bill clears Assembly

The Assembly approved legislation seeking to shed light on political money Monday, breathing new life into a bill that had previously stumbled in the state Senate.

The bill aims to increase disclosure of the sources of campaign money by setting new thresholds under which groups spending money in California elections would have to reveal their donors.

The measure, which requires two-thirds approval, was blocked in the state Senate in March, after Democrats lost their supermajority in that house and were unable to garner Republican votes to push the bill through.


The bill’s author, Sen. Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana), then offered Republicans a concession: contributions made before July 1 will not be subject to the new disclosure requirements.

The measure, SB 27, would require nonprofit groups and other organizations to reveal their donors if they contribute or spend at least $50,000 in one year or more than $100,000 in four consecutive years. It would also require ballot measure committees that raise $1 million or more to a list of their top 10 contributors online.

Three Assembly Republicans voted “aye” on the updated measure: K.H. “Katcho” Achadjian of San Luis Obispo, Jeff Gorell of Camarillo and Kristin Olsen of Modesto. The bill passed off the Assembly floor on a 57-8 vote; it now heads back to the Senate.


“I am pleased that the Assembly supports my efforts for more transparent and fair elections,” Correa said in a statement.
