
Reader Photo: Rooftopping

Rooftopping. It’s a thing. Probably not your thing, but it’s definitely a thing for Michael Escobedo.

A couple years ago, Escobedo picked up a camera. He likes to photograph a range of topics, but found that he was mostly drawn to cityscapes. He also quickly discovered that in a city like Los Angeles, where the visually creative talent is abundant, he wanted to set himself apart. He and his friends started what is called “rooftopping.”

As he explains it, “I try to get myself onto whatever roof possible to capture a new, fresh perspective of my city.”


This picture is stunning on multiple levels. The composition is breathtaking and bold. It is not a picture most of us can or are willing to make and the fact that it’s a self-portrait makes such an image even bolder. Escobedo set his Canon 70D camera, with self-timer, on a tripod as he sat himself on the edge. The result created a mood that is transcending.

Take a look at Escobedo’s feed on Instagram and you’ll notice that his style evokes a heightened sense of emotion and youthful optimism.

I don’t recommend this photography style for most people.

Follow Kathy M.Y. Pyon on Instagram and Twitter.

Each week, we’re featuring photos of Southern California and California submitted by readers. Share your photos on our Flickr page or tag your photos with #socalmoments or #californiamoments on Instagram and Twitter. Follow us on Twitter or visit for more on this photo ser

