
Summer in the city

Oftentimes the best photos come from looking around.

This picture by Lara Dildy paints an idyllic and dreamy look at Dodger Stadium. Equipped with only her iPhone and creative eye, she could not help but notice the afternoon light cascading over the contrasting red shirts against the greens of the seats. There is something dramatic happening in the composition that works to visually anchor the viewer to stick with the image.

The photo isn’t about baseball in any sense, except that it happens to be at a baseball game — the Dodgers versus the St. Louis Cardinals — which, by the way, the Dodger lost. The picture is more of an essence of the spirit of something that feels like summer in California, hanging with your friends and having a couple cold beers.

Dildy describes herself as a “passionate, almost obsessive, collector of details.” If you look at her Instagram wall, you recognize quickly that she has a keen sense of style and explores the city with her eyes wide open. Her work is largely inspired by the things that most people overlook and she is able to hone in on the mundane to create visually interesting images. She says, “I hope that by capturing these details and sharing them with the world at large that I can inspire others to look up, look down ... to just simply look closer.” Dildy’s appreciation of finding beauty in all her surrounding is a good reminder to slow down and take it all in.


Follow Kathy M.Y. Pyon on Instagram and Twitter. Tag me, I want to see your awesome California Moments pictures

Each week, we’re featuring photos of Southern California and California submitted by readers. Share your photos on our Flickr page or tag your photos with #socalmoments or #californiamoments on Instagram and Twitter. Follow us on Twitter or visit for more on this photo series.
