
Polls open: L.A. voters to decide one council, three school races

Polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday for L.A. voters to decide who will fill three seats on the Los Angeles Unified school board and one closely contested spot on the City Council.

Polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday for L.A. voters to decide who will fill three seats on the Los Angeles Unified school board and one closely contested spot on the City Council.

In the race to represent a City Council district that stretches from Sherman Oaks to the Miracle Mile, former council aide Carolyn Ramsay is running against health center development director David Ryu.

The district is currently represented by Councilman Tom LaBonge, who is termed out. Ryu or Ramsay will join the City Council as it wrestles with how to pay for repairs of L.A.’s aging and decrepit infrastructure, grapples with drought and decides how to allocate its budget as the economy recovers.


Three incumbents on the L.A. Board of Education are up for reelection: In the most hotly contested race, and the most expensive, one-term board member Bennett Kayser is up against charter school co-founder Ref Rodriguez.

West San Fernando Valley incumbent Tamar Galatzan is up against retired principal Scott Schmerelson. And board president Richard Vladovic faces Long Beach Unified elementary school teacher Lydia Gutierrez.

The incoming board will select the next superintendent of the L.A. Unified School District, the nation’s second-largest. The board also will deal with budget issues and a new teacher evaluation system.


To find your polling place, visit Under the section labeled “Voters,” click on “Polling Place and Official Sample Ballot Look up.” You can also call the election division at (213) 978-0444 or toll-free at (888) 873-1000, or check the back cover of your official sample ballot.

Polls close Tuesday at 8 p.m.
