Steve Fossett’s plane wreckage found in High Sierra
Photocopies of three pieces of identification that belonged to Fossett. (Spencer Weiner / Los Angeles Times)
Before dawn on Thursday, Madera County Sheriff John Anderson announces that the wreckage had been found by aerial crews late Wednesday night about a quarter of a mile from the spot where Fossett’s ID cards were found. (Spencer Weiner / Los Angeles Times)
Nine miles into their climb in the wilderness behind Mammoth Mountain, searchers consider their options after several hours of hiking up steep terrain toward the wreckage. (Spencer Weiner / Los Angeles Times)
Hiker Preston Morrow found the ID cards -- along with 10 $100 bills -- under some brush while walking in a spot called Red’s Meadow with his dog, Kona. (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)
Madera County Sheriff John Anderson holds a photocopy of three pieces of identification found Monday by a hiker. One was confirmed as Fossett’s pilot’s license. (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)